Booking An Appointment
You can still book a triage appointment at the Practice by phoning reception on the following numbers:
Bawtry Practice Finningley Practice
8.00am to 6.00pm 8.00am to 12.30pm and 3.30 to 6.00pm
Tel: 01302 710326 Tel: 01302 770391
The phones can very busy first thing in the morning, so please be patient with us.
Book On The Day / Triage appointments
can sometimes be with a GP, ANP or Nurse. This will include surgeries for all doctors.
We operate a telephone triage system up to 10am on the day, ‘Triage’ is to assess and determine the most appropriate treatment/clinician for the patient.
The receptionist will take a brief outline of the problem and also your telephone number. We will ask you to keep your phone line free so that the duty doctor can call you back, normally during the morning. Your problem will be assessed by the Duty Doctor who will give advice over the phone or arrange for you to visit the surgery. However on busy days triage maybe closed earlier. This is at the discretion of the Duty Doctor.
You may be offered a triage appointment with an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, seeing emergency and same day problems. They can prescribe treatments and refer onto other Health Professionals.
Appointments are at both sites, you will be informed of which site to attend when the appointment is offered to you.
Each appointment time is for one person only and for one problem only. If you feel your particular problem requires a longer consultation time, please ask at the time of booking for a double appointment.
If you wish to speak to one of our reception team in private, please ask at reception and you will be directed to a private room or area.
Sometimes, when you are waiting to see the Doctor, appointments can over-run due to complex issues and we apologise if you are kept waiting for your appointment.
If you arrive late for your appointment you may not been seen. You may be asked to make another appointment. This is purely at the doctor’s discretion. Please make sure that you arrive on time for your appointment.
Should you ask to speak to a doctor, the receptionist will take the necessary details and need for contact and your message will be passed to the GP who may instruct the receptionist to respond on their behalf.
No Longer can Attend an Appointment?
Thank you for letting us know when you cannot make your appointment, many patients let us know well in advance of the appointment. Can we please take this opportunity to stress that if you cannot make your appointment and you are contacting us on the day of the appointment, please give us at least an hour’s notice. This hour’s notice gives the opportunity of the appointment being offered to another patient. Many thanks for your continued support.
Due to the increasing pressure GP Practices are under and the high demand for appointments at the Practice the Partners of the Practice have put in place a new policy with regard to patients who DNA their appointments.
If a patient DNA’s appointments on three occasions it will initiate a discussion with the Partners and a decision will be made to remove the patient from the Practice list. Patients will be notified in writing to register at another practice.
Home Visits
Home visits are for patients who are:
Terminally ill, housebound (never able to leave the house) or are severely ill and cannot be transported to the Surgery.
Please contact the Practice before 10.00am if you wish to request a home visit. The Doctor will often call you back to ascertain the problem. If the doctor feels you do not require a home visit then the request will be declined.
Please remember that facilities available at the Surgery are much better for the doctors to assess your problem.
We do not undertake home visits for reasons of convenience or lack of transport. Our responsibility to you is to resolve the medical problem you have; your responsibility is to take all reasonable steps you can to enable us to do that. Some problems, such as severe chest pains or shortness of breath, are medical emergencies and you will be advised to dial 999.